RadioMaster Tx16 with JR module issue
Currently I am using an XPS JR module in a RadioMaster Tx16s with 16+ nano receivers.  Before this I was using the Futaba module in my 9c radio.  I have used the RM setup for the last three seasons. Last season I crashed my funjet due to loose of control.  Unable to determine the cause I replaced the nano Rx and gyro and moved on.  I had no issues till about two weeks ago, I tried to fly my funjet on a hot ~85-degree day and during my preflight I noticed the servos movement was choppy and lagged the stick movement.  I had several flights before this on other models.  I assumed it was either the nano receiver or possibly the gyro in the plane.  I could not reproduce the issue on the bench, so again I replaced both the rx and gyro (installed another nano rx) and had no issues for several flights since.   

This past weekend I was out (again a hot 85 degree day) and tried to fly 71” Slick about mid day after 3 previous flights.  I experienced the same laggy choppy servo movements.  This time I immediately switched to the funjet and had the same issue making me think its an issue with the XPS module.  I wish I had then immediately switched to my small heli with a Spektrum rx (to rule out the radio) but this didn’t occur to me.  I later (same day) flew the heli for several flights and had no issue.  Both sessions were hot sunny days and I sometimes leave the radio on while changing packs.   Till I resolve this issue I don’t feel confident in using my XPS equipment.  Do these symptoms sound familiar?  Could this be a heat issue or just a failing module?  I see the JR modules are out of stock.  What are my options?  Thanks for any assistance.

Messages In This Thread
RadioMaster Tx16 with JR module issue - by Falco - 07-22-2024, 08:11 AM

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