X10+v2 and a Futaba SBUS Receiver
I tried this experiment again, this time with a Futaba R2000SBM S-FHSS/SBUS receiver and got an interesting result.

I connected the SBUS output of the Futaba receiver to the X10+v2.

When I powered up the transmitter and receiver, I immediately got a green light on the X10+v2.  I connected the old S148 servo and it worked perfectly!  (It didn't work with the FrSky SBUS receiver).  The digital servos, as expected, also worked perfectly. 

The Transmitter is not even a Futaba transmitter, it is an OpenTx set with one of those 4in1 chipsets that includes the S-FHSS option.

I suppose that the S-FHSS protocol sent by the transmitter, in conjunction with the Futaba receiver and its SBUS link to the X10+v2 results in a frame rate that the S148 can handle.

I'll bet the FrSky SBUS uses 9ms frames and they are too fast for the S148.  The Futaba SBUS receiver probably uses 14ms frames and the S148 can accept that.

My conclusion is that I have solution if my XPS-J1 transmitter module dies and I can no longer use my XPS receivers - I can use Futaba SBUS receivers with X10+v2s (or v3s and beyond) with my airplanes that still have analog servos.
SBUS specification is 14ms for frames. FrSky can use either 9ms (8 or fewer channels) or 18ms (9 or more channels).

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