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X24 FET replacement?
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X16 Mlink flickers a lot ...
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X10+v2 and a Futaba SBUS ...
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RadioMaster Tx16 with JR ...
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08-08-2024, 06:50 AM
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Posted by: Fanglacolla - 08-29-2022, 11:43 AM - Forum: Setup and usage - Replies (6)

What would be a good (pin and flag) switch for the XPS 16? 
Also can the X16 Oled be relocated like the X24?

     Thank You.

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  JR module with RadioMaster Tx16s & EdgeTx 2.7
Posted by: Falco - 08-14-2022, 03:17 PM - Forum: JR/Taranis/Horus - Replies (1)

I'm using the JR module with the RadioMaster Tx16s running EdgeTx 2.7.  Twice during the binding procedure the radio went into "emergency mode".  After successfully binding a Nano to the module I cycled the power on the module, not by cycling the power on the radio but by selecting the "off" option then the "XJT" protocol for the external module.  This will cycle the power on the module but twice, out of about a dozen bindings has put the radio in emergency mode.  Normal operation is returned by cycling the power of the radio.  Not sure if this is a problem or not.

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  out of the rx biz?
Posted by: rlocke - 08-09-2022, 08:54 PM - Forum: Nano - Replies (8)

are you out of the RX business?

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  Nano antenna
Posted by: Falco - 07-10-2022, 09:19 PM - Forum: Nano - Replies (2)

I have several nano receivers.  It appears the antennae are glued on the front of the board and soldered to the back.  On one of mine the antennae came unglued and over time the wires seem to have frayed.   Its hard to tell if some of the strands are broken, even looking through a magnifying glass but the wires feel weak like they could break off.  I thought about adding solder to the front of the board but if the strands are broken its very close to the wire insulation.  Can these antenna wires be replaced?

Attached is a pic I took this evening.  Thinking of adding solder up to the insulation and gluing the antenna back to the board.


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  Dual 2.4/9mHz system
Posted by: adnapak - 06-06-2022, 09:57 PM - Forum: JR/Taranis/Horus - Replies (4)

Firstly, no problems with XPS 2.4 module with any Rx.
Or a well known European dedicated 2.4 brand flying concurrently.

Maybe we can get a view from your knowledge.

This is out of the ballpark, but some are having trouble with loss of signal to Rx on Tx16S internal configuration.
Total loss of control and spiral in from level flight. Failsafe set on one occasion only, so doesn't seem a factor.
Doubtful that the Tx is a problem, common to 3 different Tx's.
Just who is using our R/C bandwidth? Everything from toys to licensed UAV. 
Increasing 2.4 activity in a rural zone, farming, water control, etc, etc.

Possible causes, band width, batteries.

1. Batteries are a well known make, A123 type with internal charge control, not dual, load test OK after crash.
2. Many flights successful prior to crashes.
3. Postulated that 2.4 is becoming overused, and users are running out of band wriggle room. 

So, do you have any views on producing dual band 2.4/9 mHz or just 9 mHz to improve the odds.
Or is this dual band idea just a blind alley, down which we don't need to go?


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  Max # of channels JR Module will handle in PPM
Posted by: adnapak - 04-28-2022, 08:57 PM - Forum: JR/Taranis/Horus - Replies (1)


Need more channels.
Radiomaster TX16S in XJT can output 16 channels.
J1 Module handles this, that's great.
Radiomaster TX16S in PPM can output 16 channels.
Recall that the J1 Module will only handle 8 Channels. 
To refresh my memory is this correct?
I can't find a reference to it, time to update notes.


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  JR Module limitation
Posted by: adnapak - 03-09-2022, 07:33 PM - Forum: JR/Taranis/Horus - Replies (2)

Trying to find a use for a good JR11xZero.
I need 10ch to an X10/16, but as I understand only 9ch can be output from the current JR module using PPM9.
10ch can be output using SPCM, but the according to the doco the module can not handle the modulation.
Was ever an upgrade done to enable this?
Also does the RFU accept SPCM?
Assumed that Nano's won't.

Rather think that this may be the end of the road for my JR Tx, but modules work well in Taranis/Radiomaster.
Seems like Tx modules might be a dying breed Sad


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  FrSky "Lite" Module
Posted by: Carter - 03-08-2022, 05:44 AM - Forum: JR/Taranis/Horus - Replies (1)

Apologies if this has been asked and answered but I didn't see it here.

The new FrSky X20 series of radios did away with the JR module bay and now have what they call a "Lite" module bay which is smaller.

I am currently using an X10S with your JR module and Nano's for receivers in it, but I'm locked out of that arrangement with my new X20S.

Does XPS have any plans for a TX module that will fit the Lite module bay of the X20S?

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  JR XG8 module
Posted by: Charlie Blakemore - 02-20-2022, 10:08 AM - Forum: JR/Taranis/Horus - Replies (1)

Good day everyone and Jim, I'm happy to be back here. I have been flying a lot though. Been practicing the P23 pattern schedule as much possible. 
Please advise if xps have an internal module for a JR XG8 TX. I don't have a XG8. I'm asking for a friend who is having problems with some sort of lockout issues. 
. I also see that the XG8 TX battery is only a 2 cell life. Seems od to me that a TX would use such a low voltage.?

Many thanks all.

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  X10 SBUS input gives steady flickering
Posted by: flyingw - 01-05-2022, 12:19 PM - Forum: Setup and usage - Replies (5)


I configured a DragonLink receiver to output SBUS and connected it to an X10.

The system connects, but the LED on the X10 flickers steadily at a fast rate, something 10 per second, maybe faster.

A servo connected to the X10 moves as expected on the correct channel, but it moves in a slightly "ratchety" fashion.

Any ideas?  I tried inverted SBUS on the X10 but it did not connect at all.



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